2007 Yiwu Jing Long

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2007 Yiwu Jing Long ANMO Tea Adventures

A tea I’ve had numerous sessions with is the 2007 Yiwu Jing Long from ANMO in Düsseldorf. I bought this one last year and I have really been enjoying it ever since I got it. However, I realised I hadn’t written an article about it. That’s a shame because it’s definitely worth it to just sit down with this tea and fully focus to see what it has to offer.

ANMO Dusseldorf

2007 Yiwu Jing Long

This tea is from 2007 and comes from the Yiwu area. It’s produced by the famous Sunsing Tea House in Hong Kong.

The trees that were harvested in order to produce the 2007 Yiwu Jing Long were between 50 and 100 years old, which makes it more affordable than gushu material. It’s also a 250g cake instead of a 357g cake, which also makes it easier on the wallet.

Tea Tasting

  • 99°C Water
  • 6.5g for 150ml for a Wuhui Dicaoqing teapot

The leaves have a dark brown colour and they are fairly big. I also spot some medium-sized leaves and stems. It looks like time has already altered this tea. There is a deep and earthy aroma with a touch of damp leaves; so there are definitely forest notes going on. Once it gets wet, there are notes of berries as well.

2007 Yiwu Jing Long ANMO Tea Adventures

Infusion 1 (15 sec): this is a clean-looking infusion with a dark orange/brown colour. The flavours are subtle and enjoyable. It feels smooth and round when I take a sip. There are some hints of berries, but it’s dominated by damp leaves.

Infusion 2 (20 sec): the colour looks the same, but it seems more oily and syrupy. The flavours are more intense and it’s really enjoyable. There are still berries in the background and some buttery hints of damp leaves as well. The aftertaste is good but doesn’t stay around for long.

Infusion 3 (25 sec): it looks so juicy! The flavours are starting to shine now. However, it’s still fairly subtle compared to other sheng puerh teas. Something I really like about this one is that there is absolutely no smokiness going on. Berries are still there but it’s the damp leaves that are at the surface. This has been my go-to tea on rainy Sundays and that is also what it feels like; cosiness on rainy days.

Infusion 4 (30 sec): this one is similar to the previous infusion, but still really different. It’s difficult to pin down the exact flavours because it’s so complex. There are damp leaves, but it feels more mellow. The aftertaste is only slightly noticeable in this one.

Infusion 5 (40 sec): I feel it makes such a difference if it cools down a bit more. If I wait a bit longer to drink it, the flavours are more pronounced. I’m getting subtle berries with a touch of wet leaves.

Infusion 6 (long): good that I did a long infusion because the flavours feel more intense again. Berries are back with a light touch of damp leaves. It flows gently and feels really cosy.

Infusion 7 (long): more or less the same; still gentle and comforting.


This is my go-to tea to drink on rainy Sundays and today was one of those days. It feels so cosy and comforting when you drink this one. It feels like a blanket you put on your shoulders to keep warm. It’s a very nice feeling, but difficult to describe the full experience and flavours I get when drinking it.

The 2007 Yiwu Jing Long is a rather subtle tea, but the flavours were good. I mainly got berries and notes of damp leaves. Nothing too sharp or fresh, just gently flowing cosiness in a cup.

If you’re interested in trying this one, click here.

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