2002 CNNP Dai Language 7542 Tea Tasting (Puerhprivate)

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2002 CNNP Dai Language 7542 Tea Adventures

A few days ago I suddenly remembered I still had a few samples from Hayslontea (Puerhprivate on Instagram). I already tasted the 2002 CNNP Dai Language 7542, but that was half a year ago so I really wanted to taste it again.

2002 CNNP Dai Language 7542

The 2002 CNNP Dai Language 7542 is a sheng puerh tea from 2002 and it has been aged in Hong Kong. It’s produced by CNNP and that’s about everything I know about this tea.

7542 puerh is one of the most famous puerh recipes and when Menghai Tea Factory released the recipe, many other factories tried their hand at creating their own version of this famous tea.

Don’t know where to buy tea online? I made a page on the website with 300 online shops and I keep updating it regularly. You can check it over here

Tea Tasting

  • 99°C water
  • 5g for a 140ml Qing dynasty teapot

The leaves have a dark brown colour with some copper tints. Based on the colour, it seems it has aged quite a bit. The aroma is light camphor and I’m also picking up some aged notes and a tiny bit of incense. After the rinse, there is also a berry sweetness.

2002 CNNP Dai Language 7542 Tea Adventures

Infusion ‘1’ (20 sec): it has a fairly light colour because the chunk is still tightly compressed. That’s why I started with an infusion of 20 seconds. There are very subtle notes of camphor but it’s too subtle to really call this an infusion…

Infusion 2 (25 sec): it’s still subtle, but the chunk had loosened a bit more. There are mainly notes of camphor and it has a decent texture. The camphor is popping up in the aftertaste as well.

Infusion 3 (30 sec): the chunk is really starting to open. It’s weird, but the undertone reminds me of the 4 Gold Coins Liu Bao. This infusion is really smooth with camphor notes. The flavours are subtle but enjoyable. I think I did not use enough tea for this session, but I only had 5g left…

Infusion 4 (40 sec): the leaves have opened and the colour has become darker. It has a really good mouthfeel as it fully coats my mouth. It’s still mainly camphor and some aged notes as well. Such a delicious infusion.

Infusion 5 (50 sec): still pleasant flavours of camphor with a medium texture. There is even something creamy beneath the surface.

Infusion 6 (60 sec): the creaminess is more in the initial impression now. This creaminess slowly changes into camphor.

Infusion 7 (long): another great infusion. It’s slightly tannic now, but the camphor is really coming through towards the end. There is also a slight creaminess.

Infusion 8 (long): not as creamy, but the camphor is going strong. This is still a really good infusion with a long-lasting aftertaste.


This was such a good session and I’m glad that I chose this tea today. It started out slowly, but that was because the chunk had not opened yet. Once it had opened, it really took off.

It had a camphor flavour profile with a slight creaminess during some infusions. This combination reminded me of Liu Bao, so that’s a win. Definitely a good example of (semi-) aged puerh.

If you’re interested in this tea, you can buy it over here.

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