2001 Yichang Raw Yiwu Tea Tasting (Yee on Tea)

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2001 Yichang Raw Yiwu Yee on Tea Tea Adventures

I’ve been really busy writing articles for my Tea Education-series so I didn’t have time to write about the teas I’m drinking. However, I wanted to drink one of my favorite aged puerh teas so I decided to write an article about it. On today’s menu is the 2001 Yichang Raw Yiwu from Changtai Tea Factory.

2001 Yichang Raw Yiwu

This 2001 Yichang Raw Yiwu is an aged sheng puerh produced by Changtai Tea Factory. It was a private order for Yee on Tea and they have kept it in their warehouse since it was produced in 2001. They sent me a chunk of this tea last summer and every time I drink it, I know it’s going to be a good day!

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The material in this cake comes from the Yiwu area but I don’t have much more information. It says that the leaves in this cake are grade 4-7 and that there are some stems in the cake as well.

Tea Tasting

  • Water 99°C
  • 5.2g for a 120ml dicaoqing teapot
2001 Yichang Raw Yiwu Yee on Tea Tea Adventures

The leaves have a faded brown color and are fairly uniform in size. It’s mostly small and medium-sized. The aroma of the dry leaves is full of camphor and dry wood. Once they get wet, something sweet is popping up as well.

Infusion 1 (20 sec): the color of the infusion is quite dark already and it’s only the first infusion! It starts out with hints of camphor with a sharp edge. From the middle onwards, camphor lingers and is still going strong in the aftertaste. I’m impressed by the fact that the aftertaste is this intense. It’s not immediately after swallowing, but it takes a minute for the camphor to show itself.

Infusion 2 (25 sec): the color is almost like shu puerh now. At the start, I’m getting some medicinal flavors, but this quickly fades and is replaced by a sweetness full of camphor. The aftertaste is even more intense. Once I take a sip, it immediately coats my whole mouth. There is a slight astringency after the infusion, but it feels just right. The sharp and slightly medicinal edge I got at the start returns in the aftertaste.

Infusion 3 (30 sec): sweet at the start in combination with creamy camphor. This infusion hits the spot! It feels gentle and intense at the same time and it’s so flavorful. There is still a slightly medicinal edge in the aftertaste, but it’s not too much. I think this is because of the wetter storage. If I keep the rest of the cake in drier storage, I think it will soften a bit.

Infusion 4 (35 sec): the liquor is still getting darker. Sweet camphor is right there at the start. It doesn’t change a lot during the infusion, but it doesn’t have to. It’s perfect! Drinking this tea feels like someone putting a blanket over your shoulders on a cold day in winter. It’s definitely a comforting tea.

Infusion 5 (35 sec): no big changes compared to infusion 4, but the medicinal edge has disappeared. I’m only getting camphor with some slight hints of dry wood. Creamy camphor is also noticeable in the aftertaste.

Infusion 6 (45 sec): camphor is really creamy at the start and I’m not getting any of the medicinal flavors I got during the earlier infusions. I’m also starting to feel the energy coming through. My head feels really hot, especially my ears. Still really tasty! Camphor is not that noticeable in the aftertaste, but I still feel it’s there.

Infusion 7 (long): similar to infusion 6, but the camphor feels less creamy. It’s still good, though.

Infusion 8 (long): camphor is still there, but only in the distance. It even has a slight creaminess to it.


This has to be one of my favorite puerh teas right now. There is sweet and creamy camphor throughout the whole infusion and in the aftertaste as well. It’s a comforting and warming tea that goes down really easily.

Some infusions had medicinal notes at the start and in the finish, but it wasn’t too intense. The combination of the different elements was just right.

If you want to try this 2001 Yichang Raw Yiwu, click here.

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