Fengqing Yesheng Hong Cha Tea Tasting (Tee Kontor Kiel)

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Fengqing Yesheng Hong Cha Tee Kontor Kiel Tea Adventures

Almost by accident, I saw I had a Fengqing Yesheng Hong Cha sample from Tee Kontor Kiel. Seeing this name instantly reminded me of another yesheng tea I had a couple of months ago. That one was super sweet and delicious so I just had to try this one as soon as possible.

Fengqing Yesheng Hong Cha

I don’t have that much information about this tea. I only know that it’s made from genetically wild tea trees that are called ‘yesheng’ in China. The particular trees that were picked to produce this tea are located in the area around Fengqing, which is in the Lincang district in China’s Yunnan province.

Tea Tasting

  • Water 99°C
  • 5g for a 150ml Zisha teapot

The leaves have a black colour with some bordeaux tints. I see medium-sized twisted leaves. The aroma is amazingly sweet! It’s almost like eating a strawberry piece of candy. I’m also getting some spices. Once the leaves get wet, I’m getting more notes of wild berries.

Fengqing Yesheng Hong Cha Tee Kontor Kiel Tea Adventures

Infusion 1 (15 sec): the colour of this infusion is dark copper and seems perfect to drink on an autumn day. Once I take a sip, the sides of my tongue are producing a lot of saliva because of a sourness. Once this passes, it becomes really sweet. I’m getting strong notes of strawberry that are not as sweet as the aroma. The sweetness carries on into the finish, but there is no real aftertaste.

Infusion 2 (20): the initial sourness from the first infusion is gone and it’s maltier. So it’s a sweet tea with a malty undertone. The sweetness has changed a bit and it’s similar to exotic fruits. It really feels like eating super fresh and juicy fruits on the beach of a tropical island; such a pleasant experience. There is also a delayed aftertaste that becomes really sweet a couple of minutes after swallowing.

Infusion 3 (25 sec): the sweetness is a bit less prominent. I feel the maltiness is dominant during this one and there are also some hints of spices. There is still a subtle sweetness, but it’s beneath the surface. The aftertaste is really sweet and long-lasting.

Infusion 4 (35 sec): the sweetness has diminished further and it’s becoming a malty tea. The undertone is still sweet but there is a dominant maltiness. The finish and especially the aftertaste are really sweet. I feel that the aftertaste is more noticeable than the sweetness in the infusion itself. The aftertaste is super intense and long-lasting.

Infusion 5 (40 sec): it’s slightly sweet with a dominant maltiness. I feel the leaves are fading a bit. The aftertaste is still sweet and more intense than the infusion itself.

Infusion 6 (long): the leaves are spent now. No sweetness anymore and there is only a slight maltiness.


This was such a sweet session. There was a well-balanced sweetness in the early infusions. Gradually, it became less sweet and the malty notes became more noticeable. Unfortunately, the sweetness was only present during the early infusions. One thing that really made this tea stand out was the aftertaste. It had an intense and exotic sweetness that was a lot more noticeable than during the infusions. The Fengqing Yesheng Hong Cha was a real treat!

If you want to buy this tea, click here.

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