Duck Shit Oolong Tea Tasting (Wudong Tea)

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About a week ago, I received some samples from Wudong Tea and I decided it was time to taste one of the teas. I have heard a lot of things about duck shit oolong so I picked this one. I recently bought a Chaozhou teapot so this is perfect to brew a dancong tea.

Ya Shi Xiang (Duck Shit Oolong)

Ya Shi Xiang (or Duck Shit Oolong) is a dancong oolong tea from China. I got this sample straight from a tea farm in Chaozhou in Guangdong, China. On their website, it is described as having “a clean taste with notes of almond, a rich floral aroma, and a pleasant sweet aftertaste.”

These are the dry leaves before the infusions. They have a dark green / brown colour.

The wet leaves after the sixth infusion. The colour of the leaves is a darker green.

Tea tasting

Brewing details

  • Water 99°C
  • 5g of tea leaves for a 100ml Chaozhou teapot
  • 1 rinse
  • 6 steeps

Before rinse

The smell of the dry leaves was amazing! It was very floral with some notes of sweet fruits.


1st steep: Very floral from the start with some underlying notes of sweet fruits. I also got some subtle almond notes but these were not that prominent.

2nd steep: I got some pleasant floral notes from the start and these fade away slowly. I also got some fruity flavours in the middle and a floral aftertaste.

3rd steep: Intense floral flavour throughout this steep. This is the only flavour I’m getting during this steep.

4th steep:  Still getting some floral notes and these stay for a long time. Clean and pleasant steep to drink.

5th steep: Floral taste during this steep but it’s not as clean anymore. It started to get some bitter notes as well.

6th steep: The same floral taste but it tastes more worn out than the previous steeps. The clean taste from the earlier steeps is gone but for a final steep, it’s still very pleasant to drink.

1st steep

2nd steep

3rd steep

4th steep

5th steep

6th steep


Overall, this is a tasty tea! I was a bit disappointed that I did not really experience almond nuts because I like nutty flavours. Instead, I got heavy floral notes that were pleasant and very clean so I actually got something better. This tea has a clean, fresh and sweet floral taste and is enjoyable to drink. During this tasting, I did not get any flavours I did not like so I’m kinda loving this tea! My favourite steeps were the first and the fourth ones. I liked the first one because I got some subtle almond notes and the fourth one because the floral taste was soooooo delicious!

Interested in buying this delicious tea? Visit Wudong Tea’s website (link).

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