2009 Hou You 9026 Sheng Tea Tasting (Vin-Satori)

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2009 Hou You 9026 Vin Satori Tea Adventures

A few weeks ago, Vin-Satori contacted me and offered to send me some samples to taste and review. I was intrigued because it seemed like a really interesting tea shop. They do not only sell puerh tea, but they are also specialised in ‘living wine’. I agreed and they sent me 4 samples. One of those samples is the 2009 Hou You 9026 sheng puerh tea.

2009 Hou You 9026

The 2009 Hou You 9026 is an organic tea from Ai Lao Mountain in China’s Yunnan province. The area where these leaves come from is located at an altitude between 2000 and 3137m above sea level.

Don’t know where to buy tea online? I made a list of over 300 online tea shops and I keep updating it regularly. You can check it over here

The material of this tea comes from ancient (gushu) tea trees. There is no real consensus when a tree is ancient or no precise way to know the exact age of a tea tree without destroying it. In general, tea trees are considered ancient when they are at least around 100 years old. Keep in mind that the age is only an estimate.

Tea Tasting

  • Water 99°C
  • 6g for a 140ml Neiziwaihong Qing-dynasty teapot

The leaves have a uniform dark brown colour and I also see some dark beige buds. Compression is nice as it’s easy to pick apart without damaging the medium-sized leaves. The aroma is really complex and has notes of leather, aged rum barrels, fir trees and a tiny hint of citrus fruits. Pleasant and appealing aroma. Once the leaves get wet, I’m also picking up a faint hint of incense.

2009 Hou You 9026 Vin Satori Tea Adventures

Infusion 1 (15 sec): the liquor has a dark orange colour. It has a slight sourness at the start and this flows through the infusion into the aftertaste. This sourness is the foundation of this infusion, but I’m also getting hints of pinewood. The aftertaste is refreshing and the pinewood is definitely noticeable.

Infusion 2 (20 sec): the liquor is really clear and it seems pure when you look at it. There is still a slight sourness but it has changed a bit. It’s more citrus fruits and oranges and it’s fruitier. There is also a subtle hint of incense peeking through. This adds some character and a bit of a bite to the sweet orange notes. The aftertaste is fruity and sweet.

Infusion 3 (25 sec): the sourness has diminished and it’s even fruitier than the previous infusion. The oranges are also more noticeable. I’m not getting any incense and it’s just a really fruity brew. The liquor feels oily and flows well. The finish and aftertaste have strong orange notes to them. It feels like the perfect tea to drink on a warm spring day around 8-10 pm while enjoying the last few sun rays. The aftertaste is really fruity.

Infusion 4 (30 sec): there is a menthol undertone peeking through but I’m mainly getting refreshing citrus fruits. Such an energising brew without being in your face. It feels elegant while offering strong flavours.

Infusion 5 (40 sec): I’m getting notes of oranges and other citrus fruits. It’s similar to the previous infusion as it’s refreshing and thirst-quenching. I wish this infusion would keep going and never end. The aftertaste is also staying around for longer every infusion.

Infusion 6 (50 sec): more of the citrus fruits and it just keeps going. No harsh flavours or sensations. This is such an enjoyable feeling.


This was a really good and summery tea session. This 2009 Hou You 9026 felt pure and seems perfect to drink on hot days in spring or summer.

It was fruity with strong notes of oranges and other citrus fruits. The flavours felt really refreshing without being too harsh or fresh. Clean tea and it made me forget everything else for a while. I’m happy I picked the 2009 Hou You 9026 for today’s session because it made my day a lot better.

If you want to try this tea, you can buy it over here.

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