2021 Xin An Chu Commemorative Sheng Puerh Tea Tasting (Xin An Chu)

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2021 Xin An Chu Commemorative Sheng Puerh Tea Adventures

A tea that I have been enjoying every time I drink it is the 2021 Xin An Chu Commemorative Sheng Puerh. I got it several months ago as a sample and it’s one of the best young sheng puerh teas I had in the last couple of months. Strangely enough, I hadn’t written an article about it so that’s what I decided to do today.

2021 Xin An Chu Commemorative Sheng Puerh

It’s a sheng puerh tea from 2021 from the Da Xue Shan region. Liu from Xin An Chu released it last year as a celebration of the launch of their online shop. Da Xue Shan is one of my favorite tea regions so I’m a big fan of teas like this one, especially when there’s a story to it.

Don’t know where to buy tea online? I made a list of over 300 online tea shops and I keep updating it regularly. You can check it over here

The leaves in this cake were picked in March 2021 and come from a small town close to Da Xue Shan in Lincang. The cakes were pressed on April 3rd, 2021. I don’t have much more information, except that the tea trees are at least 100 years old.

Tea tasting

  • 5g for a 100ml porcelain gaiwan
  • 99°C-90°C water

The leaves range from medium-sized to large and have olive green and beige tints. I also see several hairy buds. The compression is fairly loose so the leaves are easy to pick apart.

2021 Xin An Chu Commemorative Sheng Puerh Tea Adventures

The aroma of the dry leaves is really fruity with a hint of dry wood. Smelling the leaves feels like walking in a meadow on a sunny spring morning. The wet leaves have strong hints of elderflowers and a certain sweetness.

Infusion 1 (15 sec): the liquor has a really light beige color but I immediately feel it comes from the Da Xue Shan area. It feels delicate and powerful at the same time. Overall, it’s a subtle infusion but it already has an excellent and long-lasting aftertaste.

Infusion 2 (20 sec): the liqour of this infusion almost looks like champagne (minus the bubbles). There is an explosion of sweetness once I take a sip. Elderflowers guide me through the infusion and it really feels as if I’m hiking in the mountains of Switzerland. It’s sweet with a refreshing twist that feels like a mountain breeze.

Infusion 3 (25 sec): more of the same flavors; sweet, subtle, and powerful simultaneously. The finish and aftertaste linger for a very long time and this tea clearly showcases why I love tea from the Da Xue Shan region.

Infusion 4 (35 sec): it’s good that I did a longer infusion because I wanted the full Da Xue Shan experience. It almost feels like a sweet and alcohol-free cocktail. So good!

Infusion 5 (45 sec): still no signs of any unwanted flavors and it just keeps on giving. I feel the sweetness is fading a bit, but it’s definitely performing above its price. This cake is great value for money if you ask me!

Infusion 6 (long): no big changes as it’s still sweet with a fruity twist.


This has to be one of the best young sheng puerh teas I had the pleasure to enjoy in the last 12 months. It has everything I’m looking for in young sheng: sweetness, fruitiness, and an intense and long-lasting aftertaste.

This tea costs €58.88 for a 200g teacake and it is definitely worth the money. It’s one of those teas that punch above their price and is something you need/want to have in your collection. The 2021 Xin An Chu Commemorative Sheng Puerh is available over here. Don’t forget to use “TEAADVENTURES” for an 8% discount!

Thank you, Liu, for sourcing this tea. Drinking this tea made me dream of spring. It made me forget we are only the second of January today…

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