The 2013 Wuliang Shan from Terre de Ciel is another great sheng puerh. It started out subtle but changed into a strong tea with incense, citrus and violets.
The 2019 Da Xue Shan from Terre de Ciel is a super sweet and fruity wild sheng puerh. It has some minerality to it and there is a long-lasting aftertaste.
The 2019 Dong Ding from Terre de Ciel is a tea full of floral notes and butter. The later infusions had a green edge with a long-lasting aftertaste.
The 2018 TdC Ailao Shan Sheng Puerh from Terre de Ciel is a tea that made me feel as if I was walking on a cloud. Subtle, sweet and fruity.
The TdC 2015 Hekai is one of my favourite puerh teas right now. It has some tonic notes, but is mainly dominated by sweet and exotic fruits.
Terre de Ciel’s 2016 Menghai Parfum de Jujube ripe is such a good shu puerh. It offers sweet flavours that are full of dried fruits.
The TdC NAKA 2012 is a sheng puerh that has potential for future ageing. It starts out fresh and vegetal, but changes into a sweet and fruity brew.