The question of whether Liu Bao is black tea or not is an important one to ask because black tea in the west is not the same as black/dark tea in China.
Moychay’s Yongde Ye Sheng Hong Cha is one of the sweetest teas I have ever drunk. An intense sweetness that tastes like candy and exotic summer fruits.
Terre de Ciel’s ‘La Petite Favorite’ is a hong cha from old trees in the Jingmai area. It has a malty flavour profile and is a good in-between tea.
Moychay’s Jin Guanyin Xiao Zhong is the perfect everyday hong cha. It offers sweet floral notes, a deep roastedness, and a long-lasting aftertaste.
Mei Leaf’s Kaori Black from Japan is a refreshing tea that starts out malty and slowly changes into a sweet and fruity tea.
Teasenz’ Lapsang Souchong is a complex black tea that combines maltiness with sweet and exotic fruits. This tea really brightened my day.
Tasting unsmoked Lapsang Souchong teas from white2tea’s 2019 July tea club. Traditional, Fruit Bomb and Herby Lapsang Souchongs are definitely not the same.
Today’s session was about African teas. I got some samples from Specialty Tea Ltd and drank some Kilimanjaro black and Usambara green tea.
Pleasantly surprised by this black tea from Fujian Province. Sweet cherries with some woodsy notes as well.
Tea tasting of the black tea in Curious Tea’s January subscription box. What did I think about the Yuchi Assamica black tea?