The 2003 Yuanjiutang Ban Zhang from Tea Encounter is a perfect example of an aged sheng Puer. It offers a cotton candy sweetness that lingers for a while.
The 2019 Green Hype was featured in white2tea’s tea club for June 2019. It’s a sheng Puerh tea with plenty of aged maocha. Is it the perfect daily sheng?
A GuShu NaKa from 2016 is a Sheng Puerh tea that combines bitter and sweet. The sweetness goes back and forth between the different steeps.
Tasting session of the white2tea club May tea! A Sheng Puer cake that will improve through ageing. The Thing Still Is ______!
Mei Leaf’s Nuzzle Diver is a Sheng Puerh is all about a green creaminess. It feels like a green tea with a lot of depth to it.